Microchip Fingers

My evil genius strikes again!

I have had an idea which may revolutionise computing.

The Last Hero

Today in the flat we had a new freezer delivered. As with any large delivery there was a lot of packaging. Packaging = polystyrene, cardboard, and that wierd foam sheeting stuff.

Cue the Take Heart gallery tune (you know, the one with Tony Heart).


So it's happened, the first real fuck-up of the year.

Meet the Fockers

A few nights ago I went to see Meet the Fockers the sequal to Meet the parents.

Meet the parents was an excellent movie, Meet the Fockers I was hoping would be equally good, and I was not disappointed. The movie followed on nicley from the first, evolving the struggling relationship between Greg (or Gaylord) Focker and his soon-to-be father in law Jack Byrnes.


So the photoblogging hasn't really taken off as of yet, this is due to my camera being buggered - it just won't take any pictures. However I still have my phone to take some (lesser quality) photos.

Around a month ago my parents got a new puppy which was only 6 weeks old. Whilst at home during the weekend I managed to snap a few pics of him on my phone.