
So it's happened, the first real fuck-up of the year.

Today was the hand-in for the second set of RTES problem sets. Thinking that I'd have enough time to complete these in an afternoon, I left if off until around 1pm today.

This would give me until 5pm to complete them, 4 hours - no problem! Baws to that - only 3 hours down and I was just getting fully into it, with 2 of the three questions finished (albeit probably not correct). That left just shy of an hour for the third question, that should just about be enough.

Our survey says: Did it fuck!

Actually figuring out what I had to do for the third question took me around half an hour so any chances of actually completing it were all out of the window. Moral of the story, don't take RTES; but if you do, don't leave the problem sets to the last minute as I have done.

Nobody else knew what to do either,
- Chris