Fade between two divs using mootools

I've been playing with mootools for a while, they're very nice, making easy work of some nice visual tweens and effects.

One thing I was struggling a bit to do was fade between two divs, having the first one fade out then the second fade in. Rather than grabbing a plugin to do it I wanted a small bit of JavaScript I could embed in a page, I couldn't find one anywhere.

It's pretty simple to do, the code below should give you a starting point to set up some JS to fade between 2 or more divs.

function fadeBetweenDivs( div1, div2 ) {
	$$( div1 ).fade( "out" );
		$$( div1 ).setStyles({
			display:	'none',
			opacity:	0
	}).delay( 150 );
		$( div2 ).setStyles({
			display:	'block',
			opacity:	0
	}).delay( 150 );
	$$( div2 ).fade( "in" );

That is all,
- Chris