I rule so god damn much!
I had proposed a project as I mentioned earlier which will be supervised by Ray Welland. And today the project lists came out matching everyone to their selected projects...
I was matched with my project which I suggested the last week, I can't wait to start getting into it. Matt was matched up with his Pie Menus on Mac OS X which he suggested. Some other people got projects which they suggested and the majority got choices they had put on their forms. Although most people I have spoken to have ended up with their 2nd or 3rd choice. This does not seem to be the most student friendly way of allocating projects but will probably work out for the best in the end.
I would think it better to allow students an opportunity to all propose their own projects (perhaps before the start of the university year). This would give each person enough time to work out a feasible project, find a supervisor and get a jump on the project selection. It would also allow each student to propose something which they would really like to do, rather than make a compromise for the next best thing.
Anyway, all the projects are up, everyone has one and we are all raring to go! On a side, Neil got the integration of DECS into Eclipse project... um, good for you dude. I can sell you inside information on the DECS stuff and recommend a good man to talk to about it. But, it all comes at a price... that's right, all the tea.
- Chris