PSD how we love thee

After the PSD3 exam at the end of third year, when I came home, I wrote a poem about the class and the lecturers. This was blogged and is lost to the reinvention of this blog, it's probably accessible somewhere but god knows (and quite frankly who cares) where.

Anyway, whilst having a rummage around some of the random files which I had lying around I found an unnamed text document. Upon opening the aforesaid text document I found my PSD poem.

So for all to enjoy again, here is my PSD poem:

For PSD we came in droves.
For Phil, his tu-ples.
For Ron, his clothes.

There were biscuits brought,
diagrams drawn.
A different one,
every morn.

Use case diagrams,
sequence too.
For UML, Ron,
we love you.

For management issues,
and Refactoring.
Spoken by Phil,
gave it a 'ting'.

And now it's gone,
now it's done.
Taken away,
this fateful morn.

PSD will be no more,
but in our hearts forevermore.
Live Ron and his UML,
and lots of Z, taught by Phil.

Don't be sad,
raise a cheer.
For the PSD,
team this year.

And in our hearts,
as I said before.
Lives PSD,

There you are folks, hope you all enjoyed it the second time round. And if you didn't see it the first time then I hope you enjoyed it this time. If you haven't done PSD3 then it was probably pointless reading all this.
- Chris