Society6 Shop

I've decided to start selling prints of artwork I'm creating for this site as well as any odds-and-sods that I have lying around. To do so I've opened up a Society6 shop and have listed a few things for sale already. I'll be adding to this list as things appear on the blog that could be repurposed into standalone prints / pieces.

Updating your address when moving house

I'm currently in the throes of moving house. From Glasgow, where I've been for the past thirteen years, back to my native Dumfries.

Aside from packing and arranging to move myself and all my belongings, I've been trying to be pro-active about updating everyone I need to regarding my impending change of address.

Given that, I've knocked together a simple checklist of people and entities I've been updating should it be of use to someone else.

Responsive Web Design

Responsive Web Design (RWD) has been the order of the day for me recently. You might well be reading this via my website, and if you've been here before you'll likely remark that the styling has changed; it now boasts a fully responsive, fantastically sexy new design.

Much of my work for clients of late has been related to building websites which are mobile responsive, as should be the case with all websites in my opinion. Repeatedly building this functionality into various websites has enlightened me to some of the patterns in RWD; my plans are to write a series of articles to share some of what I've gleaned with you lucky people.

Using Sequel Pro with Back To My Mac

I do a lot of development split between two machines, a large desktop machine (iMac) and a portable laptop (Macbook Air), both of which have locally stored MySQL databases. Often I'll run into a situation where I have two out-of-sync databases across the two and I need to access one or the other to replicate changes.

I curse my lack of preparedness: "I should've set up that Dynamic DNS account last time I encountered the problem". But wait doesn't Back to My Mac do exactly what I want, easily and for free? Yes, yes it does.

The user is an idiot, treat them as such

So, you're designing a user interface. A user interface that will be used by a user. Users are people. People are sometimes, often, and generally, idiots.

Not all users are idiots. Some are intelligent, thoughtful, logical people; but there's no guarantee you're going to win the user bingo and end up with one of them. So, as a general rule of thumb I've always worked to one guiding principle: "The user is an idiot, treat them as such".